
Friday, February 1, 2013

Determinism or Structuralism?

1. Books (novels and graphic novels) and movies are probably the mediums in which I identify with most. For example, Harry Potter. The series induced my love of reading, while the films were able to visualize the books into real life. There's always going to be the controversy of which is better, the book or the film? The books will always have depth that movies cannot encapsulate due to factors such as time and demographic. But again, films are a visual medium that grant it greater appeal to a wider audience. However, both mediums allow myself to be entertained and serve as escapism for life, where I can just relax, and watch another reality that seems to be even more fantastic and dyanmic than our reality.

2. Facebook and my Deviantart account probably serve as an extension of my body. Facebook allows me to keep in contact with my friends and family while also sharing my interests and experiences with them. Deviantart serves as an outlet and portfolio for my creative pursuits, letting others view and judge my work, seeing if I have potential. In addition, I can view and critique the works of others, as well as stay in contact with artists and writers I like.

3. I engage in the 'global village' through Facebook, Deviantart, Youtube, and TV Tropes. Initially I was reluctant to join Facebook and hoped that it wouldn't dominate my life in some way. So far, in the three years I had one, I've only played one game (scrabble) and I don't have a farmville account, however, I find myself checking my profile every fifteen minutes.
Youtube I use for the same reason as Deviantart, but mostly for entertainment and information purposes. TV Tropes is an online wiki (written by nerds, geeks, and  that catalogues tropes and devices writers, artists, musicians, etc. use in fiction and other works in general. Sometimes even extending to real life, which is useful in gathering information.

4. I consider myself a neutralist on determinism and structuralism, don't ask, I rarely take sides. I believe that humanity creates technology to fill a need, such as agriculture, the industrial revolution. While I also believe that humanity creates technology because it can, and it winds up changing the entire course of human history as we know it, like the wheel and the atom bomb.